Education Career Exploration Camp

Ten students in fourth through eighth grades joined us on March 21st for the education career exploration camp led by education instructor Deb Marquardt. We started by watching a video on chemical vs. physical changes which would tie into our experiment where we observed a real chemical change at the end of our camp.

Next, we traveled to the art room where we made stained glass sun catchers. While we were waiting for the glue to dry, we traveled to the science room to see who could build the tallest skyscraper using spaghetti and marshmallows. The students collaborated as a team to problem solve how to build their free-standing structures. Once completed, each group discussed why their structure was strong.

Next, we put water and alka seltzer in a film canister, and then watched it create a chemical change causing the top to blow off. The students had a lot of fun with this!

We ended the class with a tour of the high school classrooms, the auditorium, and the gym.