May 7th MS Spring Concert

To: Parents of 5th grade band members and all choir members

Hello, parents!

Your students are in the home stretch of preparations for our spring concert.

Info for all parents - The concert is at the high school auditorium Tuesday, May 7. We have an Americana theme; attire for all groups is patriotic colors. I’m not specifying dress-up clothes; clean and “presentable” is the fashion for the evening.

Participating in the concert is a very large part of your student’s grade. Please let me know in advance if there’s a compelling reason your student can’t be part of the concert. An email or phone call will work - your student telling me he/she can’t be there will not be enough.

Band parents - I hope you’re hearing some practicing at home and some over-and-over-again repetition of challenging passages. If you’re not, please ask your student about it. It’s really important that they have their instrument here at school on band days (April 26 and 30, and May 2 and 6). 

Our band concert is at 6:30 pm. Students should be in the high school band room with their instruments by 6:15. Remember the band room is on the south side of the building, down a hallway to the left of the entrance.

Band students who are not in choir are encouraged to stay for the choir concert, but it’s not required.

Choir parents - Our choir concert is at 7 pm. Students should arrive at the choir room by 6:50. There will be school staff in the choir room with them, as I’ll be with fifth grade band. The 5-6 choir will sing first, followed by the 7-8 choir. The 7-8 choir will sit together in the auditorium while the 5-6 choir sings. When the 5-6 choir finishes they’ll take those seats as the 7-8 choir goes on stage.  Depending on how long it takes to change groups, the concert will be finished by 7:45 (or so.)

I have enjoyed getting to know your students and working with them  to prepare for this concert. Mrs. Anderson will return May 10 from her maternity leave. 

Please email me at with any questions or concerns.

Tori Riley, Long term sub for Mrs Anderson